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PCC Chem News Newsletter winter edition is now available!

PCC Chem News Newsletter winter edition is now available!

Check out our PCC Chem News Newsletter winter edition where you can find number of interesting articles created by editors and employees of PCC Group companies.

We recommend news about the participation of our representatives in fairs and conferences dedicated to the lubricants, detergents or cosmetics industry.

For the nosy ones, articles about secrets of the magical world of essential oils, answering question of “What does Christmas smell like?”

We also particularly recommend the section “From life of companies”, where you will read what challenge PCC Intermodal posed to its employees, as well as the section ” Personal Matters”, where you will find a few words about workshops for schools organised by the HR department.

And what happens at PCC after hours? We were visited by Santa Claus in December! You can read about that in the latest issue of the Newsletter too!

We invite you to read it!