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OHS Responsibilities

OHS Responsibilities

Employee safety

At PCC Exol SA, we provide a safe working environment that complies with the standards of the chemical industry. We are focused on ensuring that our employees are safe and maintaining the highest level of process safety in production departments. Occupational health and safety management is our priority, which involves implementing policies, procedures, and processes, risk identification, and active participation in activities and initiatives implemented in the PCC Group. They are aimed at conducting business in a way that protects employees, the local community, the environment, and infrastructure and equipment. Our established and active Hazardous Materials Response Teams, whose members are the employees from various production departments who are first to react in situations that threaten human health and life, are another way of ensuring workplace safety.

Process safety

Process safety at PCC Exol SA is supported by a trained and experienced PCC Rokita SA On-Site Rescue Team, which coordinates and conducts rescue operations on the premises of the PCC Group in Brzeg Dolny.

Due to the presence of hazardous chemical materials, PCC Exol SA is classified as a plant at a high risk of industrial failure. Production plants in Brzeg Dolny and Płock were reported to the Commanders of the State Fire Service in the Lower Silesian and Masovian Voivodeships and the Voivodeship Inspector for Environmental Protection in Wrocław and the District Sanitary Inspector in Płock.

In order to minimize the risk of industrial failure and limit its possible consequences, we have implemented safety systems in our production departments.

The system of factors lowering the likelihood of an industrial failure and aimed at minimizing the effects of a potential failure consists of:

  • responsibilities assigned to each employee in the event of a failure
  • a training and awareness-raising system
  • operation control and monitoring of plant operation
  • a shift management system
  • technical measures to control processes and prevent failures

If a hazardous substance is released from the process plant, an industrial failure may occur. Failures may be related to emissions, explosions, or fire.


In the event of the release of flammable substances from the technological installation, a fire may occur, which will be hazardous to people and have a negative impact on the environment due to thermal radiation and emission of fire gases. The fire affected area is usually local and limited to the site.


In the event of the release of flammable substances from the technological installation, a fire may occur, which will be hazardous to people and have a negative impact on the environment due to thermal radiation and emission of fire gases. The fire affected area is usually local and limited to the site.


In the event of the release of flammable substances from the technological installation, a fire may occur, which will be hazardous to people and have a negative impact on the environment due to thermal radiation and emission of fire gases. The fire affected area is usually local and limited to the site.

Industrial failures

If a major industrial failure with consequences which may reach beyond the plant site occurs, crisis management procedures will be initiated. The method of alerting the local community and recommendations on how to proceed are presented in the Chemical Emergency Procedure Manual.
An internal and external emergency plan has been developed for the efficient prevention of industrial failures and rescue operations. It describes actions to be taken by the plant services, including the On-Site Rescue Team at the premises in Brzeg Dolny and the On-Site Fire Service of PKN Orlen in Płock. The external emergency plan describes actions to be taken by National Rescue and Firefighting System units, including the State Fire Service. The plan is available on the website of the Voivodeship Headquarters of the State Fire Service in Wrocław, at
Additional information regarding safety and procedures in the event of an industrial failure at PCC Exol SA is available at the Safety and Prevention Office of PCC Rokita SA.

Health and Safety at work Policy