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Responsible Business

Responsible Business

By conducting business in accordance with applicable laws, industry regulations and corporate governance principles, we are oriented towards compliance with national and international anti-corruption law. We reject all forms of corruption and abuse. We are committed to conducting our business activities in an honest, ethical and transparent manner. The document emphasizing the principles and values in the area of corruption prevention included in the Code of Conduct at PCC EXOL SA is the Anti-Corruption Policy implemented by the Management Board and published.

In 2017, PCC EXOL SA also developed and implemented the Anti-Fraud Policy, which supports the efforts of our organization to effectively protect the Company’s reputation and assets and to consistently increase its value. This Policy complies with the principles set out in the Code of Conduct of PCC EXOL SA. It applies to all cases of abuse as well as situations where there is a suspicion of a risk of abuse.

<h5>Anti-abuse policy</h5>
<h3>since 2017</h3>
Anti-abuse policy

since 2017

<h3>0 cases<br />
<h5>in 2022</h5>

0 cases

in 2022
Anti-Abuse Policy