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Summer holiday issue of the PCC Chem News Newsletter!

Summer holiday issue of the PCC Chem News Newsletter!

August is finally there and with it, we’re halfway through the summer holidays, enjoying the new issue of the “PCC ChemNews” newsletter. What can you find in it?

An account of the Jubilee Ball and the Open Day events held in Brzeg Dolny. An interview with a PCC Group employee who placed ninth in the world, in the amazing charitable Wings for Life World Run!

You can also read about intriguing events in the world of chemistry and future perspectives related to the deployment of artificial intelligence. Will it be possible for us to recognise AI generated content?

Plus, in the “After Hours” section, you will learn whether Dubai is still the city of the future.  For our readers, we also prepared a number of tips on using the Problem Solving Method in real life.

The PCC Group Newsletter is provided to you in 3 languages: Polish, German and English.

Enjoy your read!