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Welcome to the world of surfactants

Chemistry gives us unlimited possibilities, and surfactants are one of its most interesting areas. It is a space for anyone who can look ahead far into the future. The challenges posed by global social and economic trends bring out what is most valuable and necessary today. We combine chemical innovations, flexible production, responsible transport, and sustainable consumption into one entity.

It is difficult to imagine the modern world without surfactants. Cosmetics, detergents, packaging, textiles, paper, and many other everyday products would not exist without chemicals that give them plenty of useful properties. Surfactants, although invisible to the eye, are hidden in almost every object around us. They are ubiquitous and accompany us in every area of life.

<p>Welcome to the world of <strong>surfactants</strong></p>

Our Portfolio

PCC Exol in numbers

<p>We deliver products<br />
to more than<br />
<strong>700 CUSTOMERS</strong></p>

We deliver products
to more than

<p>Company revenue<br />
in 2022</p>
<p><strong>EUR 250 724 000</strong></p>

Company revenue
in 2022

EUR 250 724 000

<p>We have more than<br />
<strong>300 EMPLOYEES</strong></p>

We have more than

<p>Our sites<br />
<strong>BRZEG DOLNY and PŁOCK</strong></p>

Our sites

<p>Total annual<br />
production capacity<br />
<strong>137.000 TONNES</strong></p>

Total annual
production capacity
137.000 TONNES

<p>We supply more than</p>
<p><strong>700 PRODUCTS</strong> for various industrial applications</p>

We supply more than

700 PRODUCTS for various industrial applications

Company History

<p>PCC SE Group</p>

PCC SE Group

The PCC GROUP is an international capital structure consisting of several dozen companies operating in three important sectors of the economy. These include: chemistry, energy and logistics. Organizations within the PCC Group are both business units conducting production activities and service companies, operating simultaneously for the needs of the external market. The PCC Group is centrally managed by the German company PCC SE, which comprises 80 companies, operating in 39 locations, located in 17 countries around the world.

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Business segments of the PCC Group